Website and its emails hosted on different servers

I have a client site currently with Hostgator that I would like to move over to my Linode. Client also has several large email accounts, active on the Hostgator server.

How can I move the hosting of the site over to Linode but keep the email accounts on the HG server? In the Cpanel there I can add cname or arecords via the DNS Manager. I'm not sure which of the two I need to create. And do I need to create seperate MX records?

I'm scared I'll screw things up and lose their email accounts :(

4 Replies

CPanel will already have MX records, you need to edit the A and CNAME to point to linode but leave the MX to point to hostgator.

Thanks for that, there is indeed already an MX record. What should the values of the A and CNAME records be? It asks me for a "name" + "address" and "name" and "cname" respectively.

For A records the name is the address is your linodes ip. CNAME the name is (and whatever else you have) and the cname is

Thanks for the info, much appreciated


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