CentoOS 5.5, from stable to paravirt.
I think that I'm the only one who use stable this days.
I haven't understood well the difference between the old 2.6.18 and the new paravirt.
What are the difference, less or more?
If I would switch my CentOS 5.5 from stable 2.6.18-8 to this new paravirt kernel, what should I do before booting whit this kernel?
3 Replies
But what do you think about this?
Is it safe to use a "old" linode kernel like 2.6.18-8 or it is safer to switch to the latest paravirt?
Is it safe to use a "old" linode kernel like 2.6.18-8 or it is safer to switch to the latest paravirt?
My advice would be not to fix what isn't broken. The newer kernels such as the 2.6.32 family bring with them benefits, like newer features and toys. They also introduce some drawbacks like a requirement to run NTP.
More and more of our distributions are requiring paravirt, due to the new udev - however, if your system works fine the way it is, I wouldn't rush to make a big change.
Ok, I will continue using 2.6.18, when CentOS will need the new paravirt in a mandatory way I will switch.