New Linode API Version
Current Version: 2.3 (2010-07-13)
Can we get the changelog ?
Thank you.
6 Replies
I wanna see statics on Linode API
Thank you.
We've intentionally omitted statistics to avoid people polling the API just to generate graphs or whatever - considering there are excellent packages that do this kind of thing from within your Linode directly. For instance: munin.
I'm graphing the monthly traffic with vnstat + munin, but there's always a discrepancy between the values vnstat reports and what the Linode control panel reports.
E.g. now I have a total of 536 GB on eth0 this month according to vnstat, but the Linode control panel claims 487 GB.
Base64 them if you want to provide the generic plaintext responses that you've still got going, and only generate an image if both (1) requested and (2) more than 15 minutes old, if it already exists.
Out of curiosity, would you consider providing the graphs that you guys provide via the API? I realize that would probably kill your current dynamically generated services (at least I assume those are dynamic), but if you provide cached images on a 15 minute delay that could work out well.
Base64 them if you want to provide the generic plaintext responses that you've still got going, and only generate an image if both (1) requested and (2) more than 15 minutes old, if it already exists.
Why? There's no reason that you can't graph the data yourself with munin or a similar tool.