Htaccess Files

Htaccess files are not showing up for me in FTP. I'm currently using CoreFTP, and on a Linode, any ideas why?

4 Replies

Because they're .htaccess, and they're hidden?


Yea, I tried that, and it isn't showing up.

Right now, It looks like that .htaccess is not enabled, but I checked my httpd.conf and I've removed the comment around

LoadModule rewritemodule modules/

so it should be fine, but I don't know why it isn't

Have you actually written anything to the .htaccess file?

Even if you've activated modules which can use htaccess, apache won't autogenerate them.


Yea, I tried that, and it isn't showing up.

Right now, It looks like that .htaccess is not enabled, but I checked my httpd.conf and I've removed the comment around

LoadModule rewritemodule modules/

so it should be fine, but I don't know why it isn't

What exactly is your problem? Your first question, about core-ftp, is answered by a simple google search; eg … n-core-ftp">

Your httpd.conf is irrelevant to that.

If you want to know why your .htaccess isn't working then you also need to check your AllowOverrides settings.


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