Asterisk on linode - kernel headers?


Trying to compile asterisk etc. on my linode as per: … ntu-10-04/"> as this guide worked like a charm on a virtual machine on my test box here at home.

Unfortunately I can't apt-get the kernel headers as they're not in the repository. I tried wget-ing them from and having them in /usr/src/linux-headers- with a symlink from /usr/src/linux but this gave me lots of errors when compiling DAHDI.

I'm wondering if I have to build/make/install the kernel headers so that they go into relevant locations on the system (/lib/linux/modules?) as I've never had to compile the headers by hand before, they've always been in repos.

Can anyone tell me whether I need to and if so how I would go about installing the headers from the tarball?

Many thanks!

3 Replies


Can anyone tell me whether I need to and if so how I would go about installing the headers from the tarball?

Sorry, I can't answer your specific question as it's been awhile since I've compile asterisk, but maybe one of these two links will help.


Hi Travis

I literally have just got through trying this on my own in anticipation of a response in a few days and managed to get it working. I'd quite like to add a document somewhere that guides other linode/ubuntu users through it as there seems to be some miscommunication about whether or not zap/dahdi are actually needed.

I just chanced it and did a make, make install with the header download I got from and it worked fine, no fudging required. Conferencing is working which is always the dodgy thing apparently.

Anywhere I could post a guide?

Thanks for your help


Anywhere I could post a guide?
You could post here in the forums what you did, add to the LinodeWiki, or contribute to the Linode Library.



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