Linode Performance
A quick question. I'm trying to find a VPS host for a drupal based site i'm creating for my gaming clan. We have 300 members so dont expect there to be massive traffic. I have demoed a VPS from another provider but found my unixbench scores were 90. Very low by some comparable tests results I have seen for other providers.
I ran a clean installation of a number of different scripts such as Buddypress, Elgg and Drupal. Each performed very slowly.
I would be interested in using the London data center and would like to know if I could expect better performance with Linode and specifically which package would you recommend. I don't mind getting my hands dirty in the shell to optimize for my self.
9 Replies
Linode also performs very well, as shown by these benchmarks
Damn those Mac users, always bringing down my web servers with their shiny buttons…
And don't forget the 1/2 bit CPUs they use - now that still gets me fuming.
(…ahem… MacClients & ServerLimit)
I'm curious; what's so different about mac browsers?
Is Safari set to some ugly default that pre-fetches too aggressively?
Thats a typo, its meant to be MaxClients, and the joke just went from there…
Thats a typo, its meant to be MaxClients, and the joke just went from there…
Durr ><