SOLVED: Can't SSH in after redeploying my Linode

If this is a noob question, apologies and please direct me to the correct info!

I delete my disk image and configuration, and redeployed. After doing so, I am unable to SSH in using Putty (or pscp at the command line). I get a "Network Error: connection refused" message.

This happened to me before when I redeployed, but eventually I started to be able to connect again. Unfortunately, I don't know what I did. Since I just redeployed, it should be a default installation and I would expect the "Getting Starting" document in the Library to be completely applicable, including using Putty to SSH in for the first time… but apparently not after a redeploy?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Latest 2.6 Stable (

5 Replies

From my personal laptop the Putty error is different: "Network error: Connection timed out"

You can use LISH to connect directly to the node's virtual serial port and try to see why SSH isn't running.

I used LISH to login. Unfortunately, too n00b to know what to do next. I tried running "apt-get update" per the Getting Started documentation and received multiple errors along the lines of

"Temporary failure resolving ''",

"Temporary failure resolving ''",


Hope that helps. (I also opened asupport ticket where I'm duplicating this… just in case!)

Thanks again.

When rebooting from LISH, I notice a couple things that seem unusual:

/etc/rc6.d/ 102: cannot open /etc/mtab: No such file


Deconfiguring network interfaces… [FAIL]

Don't know if they are normal, or not…?

From the Linode support staff:

> Ubuntu 10.04 needs to use the Latest paravirt kernel. Can you please edit your configuration settings to the latest paravirt kernel and reboot. Please let us know how it goes!

Which worked perfectly. That's what I get for seeing "Stable" on a recent kernel and getting too smart for my own good.


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