AJAX Console Credentials

Hi, let me cut to the chase, I'm new as a union shield penny.

I'm attempting to verify the host key of the server through the AJAX Console before I login via Putty, but I don't know what username and password to use when prompted in the AJAX Console.

I've tried using the username I use to login to the Linode Manager with the password I used for that purpose and the PW which I set for root. I've also changed my Lish password in the Console in the Linode Manager and tried using that but to no avail.

Anyway, if anyone could help I'd be indebted.

3 Replies

ajax console is the password for your linode.

username "root", and the root password you set when you deployed the images.

Hope that helps!



username "root", and the root password you set when you deployed the images.

Hope that helps!


Ahh, I wasn't using root as my username. Thanks very much!


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