Good failover techniques on Linode?

I tried posting something similar in networking but this is more of a general question now: How does failover between two linodes occur? I tried setting up keepalived and then wackamole/spread, neither worked. I found this was because both use multicast addressing for messaging between nodes, and Linode only supports unicast addressing.

Is there a utility that can use unicast for failover between multiple machines, or is there a way to set up keepalived or wackamole/spread to use unicast messaging? Would heartbeat work for this?

Has anybody set up failover between two linodes (on the same internal network)? How did you do it?

I really appreciate your help!

5 Replies

I got it to work by using a GRE tunnel to send the multicast messages between nodes. I'm using ip_vs, keepalived, and 2 nodes.

I had no idea GRE tunnels existed until now. I'll do some more research. Thanks for your help!


I had no idea GRE tunnels existed until now. I'll do some more research. Thanks for your help!

PPTP VPNs use GRE tunnels.


I got it to work by using a GRE tunnel to send the multicast messages between nodes. I'm using ip_vs, keepalived, and 2 nodes.

I'm also thinking on buying a second node to try to have some sort of HA…

can you tell me if your second node is located on the same datacenter of the first node please?


There have been a couple good HA library articles posted recently.


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