Copy not wanting to overwrite

I'm trying to copy a directory over to another location (it's a automated process), and it's using cp -Rf directory /new/directory

however, it doesn't seem to force it, it still asks if I want to overwrite it, therefore the script isn't working properly since it isn't overwriting the files.

Is there a way I can fix this?


3 Replies

Do you have an alias setup for the cp command that includes the interactive prompts (-i or –interactive)?

$ alias

If so, remove it:

$ unalias cp

Or run the command directory from the /bin folder:

$ /bin/cp -Rf directory /new/directory


cp -Rf directory /new/directory
Not sure if it is related to your problem, but that command will give different results depending on whether /new/directory does not exist, exists as a file, or exists as a directory. You might want to take a peek at the -t option for cp. Or even better take a look at using rsync, which IMO handles local directory copying much better than cp.


Do you have an alias setup for the cp command that includes the interactive prompts (-i or –interactive)?

$ alias

If so, remove it:

$ unalias cp

Or run the command directory from the /bin folder:

$ /bin/cp -Rf directory /new/directory

The unalias cp worked, Thanks!


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