Best tunneling scheme? (SSH Connection Lock-up)

Hi guys,

I have been trying to get a better tunneling speed/stability through my linode, as my current ssh tunnel setup seems to lock up(ie. server becomes non-responsive) everytime I send multiple forwarded requests; this is quite common in scenarios like using the twitter api through ssh. I am just wondering if there is anything I can do to make it more stable. Thanks in advance.

PS: I also notice my ssh client is still connected to the server when the latter becomes non-responsive, but not sure what it implies. On re-connection everything works as usual, but the same sympton soon apppears again(given the same request rate).

3 Replies

Found it at: … t=ssh+lock">

apparently setting sshd port no. > 1024 is the cause of the problem. though I have no idea why.

Take a look at autossh … I've been using that for my ssh+screen session, which tends to die when I suspend my computer. It works out pretty well.

See: … creen.html">

I've found OpenVPN over UDP to be a rather decent solution. I'm the technical administrator of a university club (even after I graduated, they have nobody to replace me, sigh). I'm currently routing all traffic from the club's desktop through my linode. The latency increase is very minimal (under 20ms from Montreal to Newark, if memory serves), and the speed is pretty decent (30Mbps through the Linode, as opposed to 40-50Mbps direct from the computer).


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