Predictions on tomorrows announcement? :wink:

21 Replies

@bradleyg: :wink:

I hear that Linode is relaunching itself as "Winode" and all VPS's are getting a free upgrade to Windows Vista.


I hear that Linode is relaunching itself as "Winode" and all VPS's are getting a free upgrade to Windows Vista.

It better be Windows 7, or I'm out. :wink:

please don't let it be "we've been bought out by rackspace, but everything will stay just the same!"


Buy 6 Linodes and get the 7th one free?

Caker and the rest of the staff are going to do a pantomime of snow white and the 7 dwarves.

caker has bought himself a black turtleneck and a reality distortion field generator. One more thing …

Australian Data Centre finally goes live.

Toronto datacentre at 151 goes live!!!

Every customer gets a linode bump! Every 360 becomes a 540, every 540 becomes a 720, and so on!

Along with that, backups become free with any linode.

Thank you Linode! Happy anniversary!


please don't let it be "we've been bought out by rackspace, but everything will stay just the same!"



13:53 < mendel> caker: you're being bought by rackspace?

13:53 <@caker> mendel: no, we already told them no 3 years ago


Every customer gets a linode bump! Every 360 becomes a 540, every 540 becomes a 720, and so on!
Well done!

ha ha! I now have a Linode 512!

Outstanding! The upgrade makes sense (at least for me) as I have plenty of storage, plenty of cpu power, but bump up against memory every now and then.

Linode rocks!


Every customer gets a linode bump! Every 360 becomes a 540, every 540 becomes a 720, and so on!

Along with that, backups become free with any linode.
You guys should give tinono his free backups, too, for making the closest guess 8)

Woohoooo!!! Big RAM Increase! Go apache go!

Well done! And happy birthday!

I've been a customer for many years now and I can say I've now rebooted more for Linode resource bumps than I have ever had to for system down time. Amazing!!! Thanks Linode!


I've been a customer for many years now and I can say I've now rebooted more for Linode resource bumps than I have ever had to for system down time. Amazing!!! Thanks Linode!

Dang that's pretty awesome!


I've been a customer for many years now and I can say I've now rebooted more for Linode resource bumps than I have ever had to for system down time. Amazing!!! Thanks Linode!

I've been running one almost since the beginning (first invoice: 6/17/03), and that has been true for me as well. Aside from resource bumps, reboots have normally otherwise involved things like major distro updates. System downtime has been extremely rare.

Mine started out as a 128 - and now it's a 1024.


[Mine started out as a 128 - and now it's a 1024.[/quote]
Mine started out as a 64 - now it's a 512!


Mine started out as a 64 - now it's a 512!
Ditto. And, in fact, my processes haven't changed since it was a 64 so "free -m" tells me I'm only using 40Mb. Heh :-)


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