How To Install phpmyadmin in Ubuntu 10.4

Please i have already installed LAMP on my server but the only thing that is left now is how to install phpmyadmin on my server.

The guide in the library is for Ubuntu 9.10 but i am running Ubuntu 10.4 on my server.

11 Replies

apt-get install phpmyadmin :)

How do i Access phpmyadmin after it gets installed?


by default

You will also, I believe, need to create a symlink between the phpmyadmin install file and your web root for the url to work:

cd /srv/www/
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin

(as seen here … an-5-lenny">


You will also, I believe, need to create a symlink between the phpmyadmin install file and your web root for the url to work:

cd /srv/www/
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin

(as seen here … an-5-lenny">

It should do that automatically. During the apt-get install it gives you an option to configure itself with your webserver.


You will also, I believe, need to create a symlink between the phpmyadmin install file and your web root for the url to work:

cd /srv/www/
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin

(as seen here … an-5-lenny">


I'm sorry to open this post again, but this is my last painpoint :)

cd /srv/www/
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin

I guess I should replace, but I don't understand with what..

(I'm a big newbie)

Thanks you very much



you need to replace duck with whatever home directory you created when you first set up the virtual hosts for your website (look under your /srv/www directory using something like filezilla or ssh)

Typically, people tend to make this their domain name and then they stick something like public_html or htdocs right under that folder which is the web root that is visible to the world

Also for extra security, after you create the sym link, i would rename that to something like "php-lol" or any other non-default name. There's a bunch of bots out there that scan /phpmyadmin for vulnerabilities and such.


you need to replace duck with whatever home directory you created when you first set up the virtual hosts for your website (look under your /srv/www directory using something like filezilla or ssh)

Thanks saudor!

I have nothing under my srv folder, all my files are under my "home" directory.

I follow this tutorial on resources to set up my site…

I'm a bit lost :roll:

Thanks again

right. So they should be under your /home directory so instead of /srv/www/

For you, it might look something like /home/YOUR FOLDER THAT YOU CREATED/public

If that is the case, all you have to do is replace that "/srv/www/" with the full path to your public directory and it should work


right. So they should be under your /home directory so instead of /srv/www/

For you, it might look something like /home/YOUR FOLDER THAT YOU CREATED/public

If that is the case, all you have to do is replace that "/srv/www/" with the full path to your public directory and it should work

Thanks you very much! It work perfectly! :wink:


I install the php admin, i created the link to my folder but when i want to access , i have access denied.

Thanks for help


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