Websites offline... PLEASE help??

I was with another server/service before… they managed my site through linode. Long story short… they decided to disolve the business… and i'm left stuck. :(

I tried to downgrade my linode cause i was paying for space never used… and now the sites won't come back up. I rebooted and everything. I THINK it has something to do with configurations linode's people told me. Can anyone PLEASE help get my sites back up?

Not sure what you need to be able to do it…. i got putty… and tried some stuff but still nothing… using google as a guide.

I'll pay if I have to but can only afford $20. Websites have been down for 2 days now so I need it up ASAP. and

12 Replies

Do you get any errors during boot? (have a LISH screen open during boot and you can see the entire boot process).

Also, which httpd are you using, did you double check that this is running?

When did your site go down? Dallas with down a few minutes ago, for about 10 mins.


Do you get any errors during boot? (have a LISH screen open during boot and you can see the entire boot process).

Also, which httpd are you using, did you double check that this is running?

I tried running LISH but it won't work for me. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Thank you for your help "TheBoyWho"

I sent you a few emails to your email address.. I hope you got them.

Let me know.

I'll be happy to take a look and see what I can do for you if your server is running CentOS. No payment needed. Just PM me =)


I was with another server/service before… they managed my site through linode. Long story short… they decided to disolve the business… and i'm left stuck. :(

I tried to downgrade my linode cause i was paying for space never used… and now the sites won't come back up. I rebooted and everything. I THINK it has something to do with configurations linode's people told me. Can anyone PLEASE help get my sites back up?

Not sure what you need to be able to do it…. i got putty… and tried some stuff but still nothing… using google as a guide.

I'll pay if I have to but can only afford $20. Websites have been down for 2 days now so I need it up ASAP. and

I'm really sorry, I don't want to troll, but if your site worth only 20$

why do you pay so much to get a rude powerful VPS?

As far as I understood you don't make any business with your site, you aren't a linux passionate, so why you need a VPS?

Don't you think that is better to switch to a managed host?


… I don't want to troll …
Too late, you just did.


I'm really sorry, I don't want to troll, but if your site worth only 20$

why do you pay so much to get a rude powerful VPS?

As far as I understood you don't make any business with your site, you aren't a linux passionate, so why you need a VPS?

Don't you think that is better to switch to a managed host?
This is extremely unproductive, and this thread is a little old. You were completely aware of that when you posted, too, which is why you started with a disclaimer.

To me, it's not that you're referring him to another provider – what annoys me is that the OP asked for help with his Web sites a couple of weeks ago, and you dug up the thread to recommend he switch to managed. By your logic, if I have a flat tire on my car, my best solution is to purchase another car.

Please don't reply to threads, particularly old ones, unless you have something valuable to contribute. You're a regular poster in our community, and very often you contribute positively. However, it's posts like these that really rub me the wrong way.

It's clear that I'm not welcomed here, I have just discussed with Chris five minutes ago.

As said to Chris I always loved your service and tryed to spread the word about you but today you really kicked me in my back.

I will stay with you for another year since I just renewed the node + backup but I will remember that in this forum there is zero tolerance to people who talks about competitor.


It's clear that I'm not welcomed here, I have just discussed with Chris five minutes ago.
I didn't say that. I said you're a community member who regularly contributes positively…quite the opposite of unwelcome. I'm just requesting that you not hijack threads like this, that's all. Stay on topic and help out, and think about how your post will be read after it's online – that's all it takes to be a valued forum member, and that's all we ask.


I will remember that in this forum there is zero tolerance to competitor.
I won't put words in Chris's mouth, but I'm fairly sure that isn't what he said either. At any rate, that's not what I'm talking about here…see above.

PS: Please accept my apologies, it was not my intention to hurt your business nor to speak bad of you.



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