Favorite tool to measure bandwith usage by domain


I have a set up with Centos and Apache and a few virtual servers. Linode gives me my total bandwith usage.

What would be the best way to know the consumption of bandwith per domain?


4 Replies



I have a set up with Centos and Apache and a few virtual servers. Linode gives me my total bandwith usage.

What would be the best way to know the consumption of bandwith per domain?


Setup a stats package like awstats

Thanks for the answer.

I am wondering if there is a way to avoid analyzing the Apache's log file.


Thanks for the answer.

I am wondering if there is a way to avoid analyzing the Apache's log file.

I don't think so, since the division between domains isn't happening until you get to apache.

side note, apache has a mod sql log module, which allows you to log directly to a database..

i used that to work out domain usage for ages.. just wrote a few triggers that on insert into the logtable update the usage table and then purge the log table daily..

just gota be careful with it because if your database starts slowing down for whatever reason, apache will lag as well.


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