I have My Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Profile

today the whole day i tried my best to set it up and host my website. but failed.

i am lost now what to do and even how to tell what is exactly my problem is..

i have used following document to install LAMP

http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/u … .04-lucid/">http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-10.04-lucid/

my domain name is http://learnarabicwithsinbad.com/ i have already change its NS to linode.com

and in start when i have only install apache2 it was working fine i was able to see "it works !" on my browser

but after i reach name based virtual host setting and i tried to reload apache2 it gave me error FAIL in red

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

and i think from here the problem started..

and then i went to install mysql and php

installation is successful but in installer auto commands i saw apache2 restart fail

please help issued tickets but they are not ready to help as they say these are un manage server and they cant access my linode.

i am even ready to pass my root password to that linux guru can login and fix my problem..

thanks in advance..

6 Replies


today the whole day i tried my best to set it up and host my website. but failed.

i am lost now what to do and even how to tell what is exactly my problem is..

i have used following document to install LAMP

http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/u … .04-lucid/">http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-10.04-lucid/

my domain name is http://learnarabicwithsinbad.com/ i have already change its NS to linode.com

and in start when i have only install apache2 it was working fine i was able to see "it works !" on my browser

but after i reach name based virtual host setting and i tried to reload apache2 it gave me error FAIL in red

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

and i think from here the problem started..

and then i went to install mysql and php

installation is successful but in installer auto commands i saw apache2 restart fail

please help issued tickets but they are not ready to help as they say these are un manage server and they cant access my linode.

i am even ready to pass my root password to that linux guru can login and fix my problem..

thanks in advance..

Go look in your apache logs (/var/log/apache/errlog I think), it'll tell you why it failed. Most likely a configuration file error.

Thanks for the reply glg

i found nothing in my errorlog file

nano /var/log/apache/errlog

you want me to check any other file?


Thanks for the reply glg

i found nothing in my errorlog file

nano /var/log/apache/errlog

you want me to check any other file?

try checking the other logs in that directory


try checking the other logs in that directory

in error.log

i found the following

[Mon May 24 04:06:00 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) configured – resuming normal operations

[Mon May 24 05:36:36 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico, referer: http://learnarabicwithsinbad.com/

[Mon May 24 05:36:42 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/favicon.ico, referer: http://www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com/

[Mon May 24 07:39:17 2010] [notice] SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restart

apache2: aprsockaddrinfo_get() failed for shahzad

apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs

Unable to open logs





i more thing i need to add

in my /etc/hosts file

i have added learnarabicwithsinbad.com

and while setup host name i set to www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com

echo "www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com" > /etc/hostname

hostname -F /etc/hostname

i use www

is it also one of the problem??


i more thing i need to add

in my /etc/hosts file

i have added learnarabicwithsinbad.com

and while setup host name i set to www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com

echo "www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com" > /etc/hostname

hostname -F /etc/hostname

i use www

is it also one of the problem??

You need a short hostname like "shahzad", so hostname –fqdn would return "shahzad.learnarabicwithsinbad.com", but the short hostname can be anything that you want; however, "www" is probably not a good short hostname.


echo "shahzad" > /etc/hostname
hostname -F /etc/hostname

and then

hostname --fqdn

After all that is done, then edit your /etc/hosts so it reflects those changes: localhost shahzad.learnarabicwithsinbad.com shahzad

Don't worry about www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com or learnarabicwithsinbad.com for web traffic. Those would be addressed in DNS and in your /etc/apache2/sites-available file.

In your DNS zone file you'll need entries similar to these:

@ A

www A

shahzad A

The Linode DNS Manager should create the www entry by default, but you'll need to add the "shahzad" (or whatever you came up with for a short hostname) into the Linode DNS Manager as an A record.

And you should have a learnarabicwithsinbad.com file in /etc/apache2/sites-available with something similar to this:

ServerAdmin webmaster@learnarabicwithsinbad.com

ServerName learnarabicwithsinbad.com

ServerAlias www.learnarabicwithsinbad.com

DocumentRoot /srv/www/learnarabicwithsinbad.com/public_html/

ErrorLog /srv/www/learnarabicwithsinbad.com/logs/error.log

CustomLog /srv/www/learnarabicwithsinbad.com/logs/access.log combined

Finally, enable your site and reload apache2:

a2ensite learnarabicwithsinbad.com
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

These aren't all the steps in http://library.linode.com/getting-started/ and http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/u … .04-lucid/">http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-10.04-lucid/ but I think I highlighted the steps where you may have had problems?


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