Setting up a BIND server for Dynamic DNS and zero-conf

I'm interested in setting up a BIND server on my Linode, primarily to use with Apple's wide-area Bonjour service. I started playing around last night, but was pretty unsuccessful. I got BIND9 installed to my Ubuntu 8.04 environment, did a very simple configuration just to get going, but get a string of errors in the syslog, and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. This is all a bit of a mystery to me, and I've spent hours researching, but am not getting anywhere. Maybe someone can help?

Specifically, the configuration I envision is this:

  • Linode DNS remains master for the whole domain

  • I pass the subdomain to my BIND service

  • I set up the server per the information laid out here:

  • I connect my devices needing dynamic DNS to this subdomain, for instance, my Airport Extreme

I've found this so confusing that I'd like to figure out a simple enough setup that I can perhaps write a concise set of instructions, as I imagine this would be useful for others.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm decent at most of this stuff, but DNS is still a total mystery to me.


For reference, here's what I'm getting in my syslog. I've replaced my domain name with "", that's not an oversight.

May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: starting BIND 9.4.2-P2.1 -u bind
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: found 4 CPUs, using 4 worker threads
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 53
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: 254.169.IN-ADDR.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: 2.0.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone:
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone:
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone:
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: D.F.IP6.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: 8.E.F.IP6.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: 9.E.F.IP6.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: A.E.F.IP6.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: automatic empty zone: B.E.F.IP6.ARPA
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: command channel listening on
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: command channel listening on ::1#953
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: zone loaded serial 1
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: zone loaded serial 1
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: /etc/bind/zones/ SOA record not at top of zone (
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: zone loading from master file /etc/bind/zones/ failed: not at top of zone
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: zone loaded serial 1
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: /etc/bind/zones/ unknown RR type 'replace'
May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: zone loading from master file /etc/bind/zones/ failed: unknown class/type

2 Replies

Looks like it's choking on line 1 of the zonefile:

> May 21 13:15:25 bulldog named[4601]: /etc/bind/zones/ unknown RR type 'replace'

I wonder if that line is a comment, missing its semicolon… if not, paste what's in that file and someone will surely speculate further.

Exactly right! I didn't realize how picky the conf files were. I have a running BIND now.

Next, I'm wondering if anybody has experience creating a delegated subdomain DNS. I found a decent document here but it's sort of far from my use.

Can anyone offer experience or advice for creating a delegated DNS like this?


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