Transfer Pool

I have a question that I could not find the answer to anywhere about the way in which transfer works with my Linode. Hopefully someone here will know the answer.

I have two linodes, each with 200GB of transfer per month. One of them is heavily trafficked and has often exceeded that limit, so I have purchased an additional 100GB for those busier months.

My other linode, however, has very little traffic and doesn't even use 5% of its transfer.

I noticed on the main page after I log in there is a listing of my 'transfer pool' with both transfer amounts added up.

Does this mean that I do not need to buy the extra 100GB for my first linode and can instead use the "extra" transfer from my other?

That would be handy, because that's $10/month I could save.

Thanks in advance for the answer.

2 Replies

That would be correct. That's why we like bandwidth pooling. :-)


That would be correct. That's why we like bandwidth pooling. :-)
Well that is totally awesome. You've just brightened my day!


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