Running mercury/pantheon on 540mb plan w/ubuntu 9 /crashing

I installed the mercury/pantheon script and everything runs swimmingly for the most part but something is crashing and not letting me connect to my server IP.

I've tried restarting apache and that doesn't work, I'm left with rebooting the server then it comes up. I haven't had any jobs running except whatever mercury/pantheon sets up. Any ideas?

Do I not have enough memory? I know mercury recommends at least 512MB.

3 Replies

i get a different error if i just kill apache, the 'cannot connect error' is probably something deeper.


The spikes in IO usage and none responsiveness you are seeing are the result of your Linode running out of memory. The following errors were on your Linode's console prior to your most recent reboot:

Out of memory: kill process 2496 (varnishd) score 289632 or a child

Killed process 2496 (varnishd)

Out of memory: kill process 3426 (varnishd) score 577727 or a child

Killed process 3426 (varnishd)

Out of memory: kill process 2806 (jsvc) score 35379 or a child

Killed process 2806 (jsvc)

Out of memory: kill process 3468 (varnishd) score 577215 or a child

Killed process 3468 (varnishd)

Out of memory: kill process 3467 (jsvc) score 69696 or a child

Killed process 3467 (jsvc)

Out of memory: kill process 3491 (varnishd) score 577727 or a child

Killed process 3491 (varnishd)

Out of memory: kill process 3508 (jsvc) score 69746 or a child

Killed process 3508 (jsvc)

Out of memory: kill process 3530 (varnishd) score 30382 or a child

Killed process 3530 (varnishd)

Out of memory: kill process 2884 (apache2) score 20321 or a child

Killed process 2884 (apache2)

Out of memory: kill process 2864 (apache2) score 19368 or a child

Killed process 2864 (apache2)

You will want to look in to configuration changes that you can make to reduce Apache and Varnish's memory usage. Documentation on trouble shooting memory usage issue and some suggested setting for Apache can be found at: … networking">

For suggestions on optimizing Varnish's memory usage you will want to consult with the Linode community to see what other configuration changes they have made to Varnish to reduce its memory usage. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask us.


The stackscript says 512 which is laughable now that I'm looking at it.

I'm on 540mb and I've got like 20mb free which means it's easy to run out of memory. If I upped to 720mb and/or adjust apache/varnish settings would that be enough to run this comfortably or do i have to do a big upgrade or drop this memcache/varnish stuff altogether?


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