Postfix configuration problem


I am trying to set up Postfix and Dovecot for the first time, following the Ubuntu 10.4 tutorial at … _and_users"> and have run into a snag.

My email.log reveals the following error:

May 17 05:31:24 equaltext dovecot: Dovecot v1.2.9 starting up (core dumps disabled)

May 17 05:31:24 equaltext dovecot: auth-worker(default): mysql: Connected to (mail)

May 17 05:34:57 equaltext postfix/smtpd[2343]: fatal: /etc/postfix/ bad string length 0 < 1: dbname = 

May 17 05:34:58 equaltext postfix/master[2033]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 2343 exit status 1

May 17 05:34:58 equaltext postfix/master[2033]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

I can telnet to port 25, but there is no interaction with the server; making me wonder what else I've misconfigured.

The file uses the line dbname = mail , which is the name of my mysql database. The whole process is making me want to pull out hand fulls of hair wondering why my config isn't seeing the string.

Thanks in advance for any assistance/ideas.

2 Replies


I was wondering how did you solve this issue. I am having the same problem.

Thank you,




I am trying to set up Postfix and Dovecot for the first time, following the Ubuntu 10.4 tutorial at … _and_users"> and have run into a snag.

My email.log reveals the following error:

May 17 05:31:24 equaltext dovecot: Dovecot v1.2.9 starting up (core dumps disabled)
May 17 05:31:24 equaltext dovecot: auth-worker(default): mysql: Connected to (mail)
May 17 05:34:57 equaltext postfix/smtpd[2343]: fatal: /etc/postfix/ bad string length 0 < 1: dbname = 
May 17 05:34:58 equaltext postfix/master[2033]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd pid 2343 exit status 1
May 17 05:34:58 equaltext postfix/master[2033]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

I can telnet to port 25, but there is no interaction with the server; making me wonder what else I've misconfigured.

The file uses the line dbname = mail , which is the name of my mysql database. The whole process is making me want to pull out hand fulls of hair wondering why my config isn't seeing the string.

Thanks in advance for any assistance/ideas.

edit: nevermind, I can't read.


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