VAT number on the invoice


Is there a way to provide you with a VAT number for invoicing purposes? The Polish tax authorities require an invoice to have the vendor’s VAT number present and the recipients VAT number in order to be valid.

I know that Linode is based in US, where VAT does not exist, but maybe you guys could comment on that?

This matters as I'd like to have Linode as a company expense.


5 Replies

Yes please, it would be really useful for me as well

You can put your VAT number in the second address line in your contact information. This way it will show up on the PDF invoices. :)

Edit: This should only be used in situations where the VAT number is required on the invoice for general accounting and record-keeping purposes.

However, since you're not paying VAT on your Linode invoice trying to claim VAT relief on it would be fraud…


However, since you're not paying VAT on your Linode invoice trying to claim VAT relief on it would be fraud…
I wouldn't call fraud marking the payment for Linode VPSes as a company expense. I think the OP was clearly not about claiming VAT relief.

In your invoice I see you pointed out YOUR VAT code : EU372008859
However this VAT code does not exist in the EU

My questions are

  1. What is the purpose of this code ?
  2. Do you have a Tax account in the EU ?
  3. Is this number for your internal reference only (so I can ignore it) ?

Thank you


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