Linode 360, CentOS LAMP, 32 bit and 64 bit, RAM comparison.


is there someone who tryed out the difference on a fresh install of CentOS running LAMP on both 32 and 64bit?

What is the available quantity of ram for both os version?


8 Replies

There will be less RAM on the 64-bit version, since 64-bit processes require more RAM.

Unless you're buying a Linode with more than 3 or 4 gigs of RAM, you probably don't want/need 64-bit.

If you're new to Linux, you may also want to consider Ubuntu Server rather than CentOS, as it's far more popular and as a result has far more community documentation and assistance available.

I'd say RHEL is more popular on the server than Ubuntu, and I know it has lots of documentation and community questions.


There will be less RAM on the 64-bit version, since 64-bit processes require more RAM.

Unless you're buying a Linode with more than 3 or 4 gigs of RAM, you probably don't want/need 64-bit.

If you're new to Linux, you may also want to consider Ubuntu Server rather than CentOS, as it's far more popular and as a result has far more community documentation and assistance available.

I'm using RedHat since RedHat4, I prefer CentOS for this but you don't answered my questions.

I would like to know how much RAM a LAMP server (configured in the same way on both 32 and 64 bit OS) eats on both platform.


Unless you're buying a Linode with more than 3 or 4 gigs of RAM, you probably don't want/need 64-bit.
Don't need it then, either. PAE, unless you're committing a >3GB (or 2GB?) working set of data in one application. In most workloads, like, say, worker MPM in Apache 2, each process will be able to take advantage of a few gigs itself. The OS will use the extra RAM for page cache regardless.


I would like to know how much RAM a LAMP server (configured in the same way on both 32 and 64 bit OS) eats on both platform.
I was curious myself, so I deployed this StackScript on both CentOS 5.4 i686 and CentOS 5.4 x86_64; after all, just how much higher is the memory demand with the pointer overhead? Nothing was changed beyond how the StackScript booted the system.

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)                                                                          
Kernel on an i686

li184-10 login: root
[root@li184-10 ~]# free -m                                                                          
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           348        280         67          0          8        221                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         50        297                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255            

Doing 131.72 requests/sec during ab -n 100000 -c 100 http://… from a different location (intentionally network-bound so it was a light load):

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           348        293         54          0          8        224                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         60        288                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Reboot into x86_64…

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)                                                                          
Kernel on an x86_64                                                       

li184-10 login: root                                                                                
[root@li184-10 ~]# free -m                                                                          
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           343        328         15          0          8        237                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         81        261                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Huh. Again, under ab:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           343        338          4          0          8        234                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         95        248                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Interesting result.



Unless you're buying a Linode with more than 3 or 4 gigs of RAM, you probably don't want/need 64-bit.
Don't need it then, either. PAE, unless you're committing a >3GB (or 2GB?) working set of data in one application. In most workloads, like, say, worker MPM in Apache 2, each process will be able to take advantage of a few gigs itself. The OS will use the extra RAM for page cache regardless.


I would like to know how much RAM a LAMP server (configured in the same way on both 32 and 64 bit OS) eats on both platform.
I was curious myself, so I deployed this StackScript on both CentOS 5.4 i686 and CentOS 5.4 x86_64; after all, just how much higher is the memory demand with the pointer overhead? Nothing was changed beyond how the StackScript booted the system.

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)                                                                          
Kernel on an i686

li184-10 login: root
[root@li184-10 ~]# free -m                                                                          
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           348        280         67          0          8        221                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         50        297                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255            

Doing 131.72 requests/sec during ab -n 100000 -c 100 http://… from a different location (intentionally network-bound so it was a light load):

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           348        293         54          0          8        224                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         60        288                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Reboot into x86_64…

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)                                                                          
Kernel on an x86_64                                                       

li184-10 login: root                                                                                
[root@li184-10 ~]# free -m                                                                          
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           343        328         15          0          8        237 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              343 328 15 0 8 237      end_of_the_skype_highlighting                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         81        261                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Huh. Again, under ab:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached                           
Mem:           343        338          4          0          8        234                           
-/+ buffers/cache:         95        248                                                            
Swap:          255          0        255

Interesting result.

this is really interesting… thanks, really thanks.

reading this it seems that 64bit give some good improvements also with LAMP. … ode-Ubuntu">

this is quite different from the usual saying…


reading this it seems that 64bit give some good improvements also with LAMP. … ode-Ubuntu">

this is quite different from the usual saying…

Well- I would expect better performance with 1gb of ram, but that really doesn't address a low memory machine.


reading this it seems that 64bit give some good improvements also with LAMP. … ode-Ubuntu">

this is quite different from the usual saying…
With sufficient resources, 64bit may be better. MAY

linode's typically are resource limited and you get better performance with 32bit.


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