Ubuntu 10.04 clean install - need kernel headers
I've checked linode.com/src and nothing there. Nothing in the ubuntu repositories either for that version. I'd prefer not to build a whole new kernel if possible.
Am I missing where to get the headers?
7 Replies
Browse or zgrep through /proc/config.gz, looking for the symbol of the module you're interested in. If it's there with "MODULEIDHERE=y", it's in kernel, and you just need to run whatever code wants it; and if the code is dumb, assumes it has to be a module, and "checks" for it by something in lines of lsmod | grep || exit or modprobe modulename || exit, remove that check.
Second, if the answer is "yes, I need it"… I guess you need to download the current source, at point of writing, and eventually reboot your Linode into that version.
That's a little frustrating.
It's actually the other way round.
The most recent 64-bit kernel is, which you're using. BUT, the latest available in /src/ is -linode11. So… well… dunno, but sounds like an overlook on the builders' end. Maybe open a support ticket asking for the -linode12 source?
is there somewhere else i should be looking?
-- Richard