Does Linode accept payments in Euros?

Linode Staff

Can I be billed in euros instead of USD? My bank changes fees for currency conversions.

4 Replies

At the moment, Linode only accepts payments in USD (United States Dollar). You can pay with a credit card from another country/currency but the payment will ultimately need to be converted into USD before we can accept it. Like you mentioned, banks often do charge fees for currency conversions.

On my Linode fee of USD 6 on 2nd Sept 2021 the Visa exchange rate from my bank was 1.3729 USD = 1 GBP, so 4.37 GBP and my bank, HSBC a big global bank, charged GBP 0.12 as a non-GBP transaction fee, so that bank fee is a 2.7 per cent extra charge, total cost GBP 4.49. If Linode could bill in non-USD too, then some of that 2.7 per cent could be captured by Linode or passed on to customers. AWS can bill in non-USD, so there I avoid the bank fee. On 3rd Sept 2021 the AWS rate was 1 USD = 0.732149 GBP (or 1.3658 USD = 1 GBP) - so for USD 6 fee AWS would have billed me GBP 4.39 vs 4.49 for Linode - a saving of GBP 0.10.

FWIW I left Linode some time ago because despite the marketing material saying the pricing was predictable - it was anything but predictable once you had to start dealing with bank transaction fees and currency conversion. A USD$20 shared instance VM that I had which started off at $27 AUD started coming in closer to $40 AUD at one stage and it just stopped becoming economical.
The silly thing is that the Linode DC I was in was local, which would have been incurring local expenses in local currency anyway.

Just to chime in - as you may still be aware, all payments at this point in time are still converted to USD with the bank driven conversion fees. I submitted feedback on behalf of your comments to help demonstrate the desire that you and many others share about not paying for currency conversion. Hopefully as we continue to grow as Akamai, this is something that we could implement to benefit our global non-US users.


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