Connection Question

I'm pretty much a total linux newb and did pretty well getting stuff working until now :?

I got Ruby installed and was messing with the GServer class and am binding it to port 9000. Now I can connect from my node (in another putty session) to my node with telnet, but I can't connect to it from my machine remotely. I'm using ubuntu 10, do I have to do something special to open the port or anything?


5 Replies

Sounds like either

1) iptables is blocking you, so you need to open the port

or 2) you are binding to port 9000 on and so you need to bind on all interfaces

Thanks! Here is what I get when I run iptables -L

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

I don't really know what that means, but I don't see anything port specific in there so I can't be specifically blocking 9000 right?

DEFAULT_HOST on GServer is localhost (… sorry this is probably ending up being a dev question not meant for this forum. If I should look elsewhere please let me know and I'll mosey on over to StackOverflow :D

Ok first your iptables isn't configured to do anything..this is a bad thing. You should set some firewall rules up.

Second that DEFAULT_HOST looks like it's the problem try setting it to your servers IP.

Yeah it was the host not being set correctly. As far as iptables go, like I said I'm a complete linux newb, what should I do? Block all ports except the ones I'm going use? Like, keep ssh, http~~, etc open? I'll search around the forum, there has to be a good guide around here. This sounds like one of those questions thats been asked 1000 times over already.

Thank you for the help~~

Personally I have 80 and 443 open. The rest are closed I open my ssh port to my ip address and that's it.

Depending on your OS there's various ways to configure a firewall I like this one


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