'100%' uptime and fast response time ?

I'm plenty happy with my linode, but I'm thinking of starting a new software that because of it's nature would really need to be up "all the time" and also the response time needs to always be reasonably good (at least never very slow) - bandwidth need would be low-

My current linode is good, but it seem it could be maybe attacked like DDOS and be brought down ( ~ simple point of failure).

What is the best setup for this scenario … I'm thinking maybe cloud computing (though response time is not always great) … does Linode provides good options for such scenario.


3 Replies

Use a HA setup. Have 2 or more (3 is best) servers, in different data centers, for presenting your software to the world. (Web Server goes here). Your SQL is a separate server, which all three talk to.

Use LPM to set IP fallover, so that when one linode goes down, the rest take over. If all three data centers go down, then ow.


Use LPM to set IP fallover, so that when one linode goes down, the rest take over.
Because of the nature of our IP space, you can't failover between datacenters.

So what you really need is two servers in each of the three data centers with IP failover between each pair and DNS failover between each data center. You also want a read-only mysql instance at each data center for fast read-only transactions, so you only need to access the primary mysql for updates.


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