serious cpu issue


I did everything in the linode library article to set up asterisk on a linode.

I did that, including setting up the new kernel.

I now notice that my linode sits at around 1.00-1.66 and bounces around constantly.

At first I thought it was the asterisk, because I stopped it and it started going down, but then I looked at it again and it had started bouncing around and going up again.

I am wondering if it is normal for this kernel needed to run asterisk to have such high cpu, or if something has gone wrong, and if so, what might have gone wrong.

Any help is appreciated.


2 Replies

Just to clarify for others that may answer (I'm unfamiliar with Asterisk): is 1.00 - 1.66 a load average or a CPU amount? They're two different things. Both are quite low, too.


When I say 1.00-1.66, I mean load average.

As in type uptime and it says 1.22, 1.45, 1.20



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