Ran command accidentally
When I was meant to run chmod -R g+rw ./*
It got to /proc before I could stop it. What on earth should I do? The only way I can connect to ssh now is through the lish.
Many thanks.
3 Replies
I accidentally ran chmod -R g+rw /*
When I was meant to run chmod -R g+rw ./*
It got to /proc before I could stop it. What on earth should I do? The only way I can connect to ssh now is through the lish.
Many thanks.
Problem was fixed ~ sorry for double post.
chmod -R g-w /*
did that, then fixed various things that still didn't work.
For what it's worth, "" is a shorter way to say "./", and leaves less room for typographical errors
I was trying to delete a whole directory and its contents. I was using the full path and I put a space in after the first slash by accident.
It ran for a long time, that is when I realized I deleted the whole server.
Luckily it had a full backup the night before. The call to tech support was I need a restore… all of it!
I was a production system for a school. Email, websites, online learning apps. Took a day to get back up.
I got burned that day and now I know what HOT is.