linux upgrade


I tried upgrading from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 according to an article I saw on tech republic.

It involved changing the servers in /etc/apt/sources.list from karmic to lucid.

It seemed to go ok… until I tried rebooting.

It rebooted, but didn't seem to boot.

Not a problem, I thought, because I had the trouble shooting steps in the upgrade tutorial (which I conveniently found after the fact).

I followed the instructions, making a finnix recovery disk.

I then booted it up, and tried mount /dev/xvdb

It worked, except that it mounted it as read-only, which is not quite right, as I need to write to a file to get it working.

Any help is appreciated.



4 Replies

Not sure how you are getting to this file, but I would chmod 777 to get you to be able to edit the file, But I would suggest you check what the file perm is supposed to be.

Were you following this tutorial? … 0.04-lucid">

You can try

mount -o remount,rw /dev/zzzz /mnt/zzzz

to remount a read-only filesystem as read-write. You'll need to replace the z's with the correct device and mount point.



I tried upgrading from ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 according to an article I saw on tech republic.

It involved changing the servers in /etc/apt/sources.list from karmic to lucid.

This is very much NOT the proper way to upgrade.

There's an official upgrade document from Ubuntu, and the Linode instructions are largely an expansion of that, with additional things to watch out for.


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