Upgrade to Lucid, new fstab entry, is it devtmpfs or tmpfs?

SO I love jumping on the bandwagon really quickly, I am upgrading karmic to lucid.

On this page


this page.

It says to add this to the fstab

dev  /dev  devtmpfs  rw  0  0

When I did, the reboot it failed to mount the root filesystem. I booted into recovery and comment the new line and I was able to get back up again.

on this topic it mentions adding this code:

dev  /dev  tmpfs  rw  0  0

Which I am going to try next. And I will report back. Abut anyone have any clue what is correct or what my problem is?

4 Replies

devtmpfs if running Latest Paravirt 2.6



devtmpfs if running Latest Paravirt 2.6

So I am stumped then.

I have this in the Linode Config

Ubuntu  (Latest 2.6 Paravirt ( - Last Booted -

At the "maintneince shell" of my ubuntu when the "Mount of root filesystem failed" my uname shows I am running that kernel.

root@leroy:~ # uname -a                                                                             
Linux leroy.g25.org #1 SMP Wed Apr 28 19:25:11 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux   

An here is my fstab is it stands now

root@leroy:~ # cat  /etc/fstab                                                                      
/proc       /proc            proc      defaults   0 0                                               
/sys        /sys             sysfs     defaults   0 0                                               
/dev/xvda   /                ext3      defaults,usrquota,grpquota,relatime   0 1                    
/dev/xvdb   none             swap      defaults   0 0                                               
dev         /dev             devtmpfs  rw        0 0                                                
jungledisk  /mnt/jungledisk  fuse      noauto,config=/etc/jungledisk/jungledisk-settings.ini 0 0 

I am still running 9.10, so commenting out the new line, I boot ok. Time to open a ticket? Do I set the fstab, upgrade, then reboot?


http://library.linode.com/troubleshooti … untu-10.04">http://library.linode.com/troubleshooting/upgrade-ubuntu-10.04


The solution was to exactly follow the steps. Change the fstab, do the upgrade, then reboot.

Everything is fine. I'm on 10.04 and everything boote fine, as long as I kept my configs when prompted.


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