Best ISPConfig Setup - help please

Could anyone please help me get my copy of ISPconfig configured correctly? I have set it up properly, I think, but adding a website does not work.

My ideal folder structure is var/www/[domain.tld]/htdocs but I'm not too fussed if it is not this way..

I would really appreciate a few pointers so I can set it up and then leave it to do it's thing.

As a sidenote, while setting up ISPconfig I added a hostname to my etc/hosts file, this was: localhost
109.##.###.##     #####

is this correct? (Obviously the hashes are there for protection..)

Many thanks in advance

9 Replies

You can find info on ispconfig here … ispconfig/">

As for your hostname you should change the ip address to, and you should update your hostname to something more meaningful and set up reverse dns see here … de-manager"> (scroll down to the bottom)

Hi obs, thanks for your response. I commented out what I added for the rebooted and now my entire server has gone down. I cannot access any sites in the browsers, login with sftp, terminal, access webmin or ispconfig… what the heck did I do wrong?

Can anyone please suggest some solutions!

Sounds like it didn't reboot properly, can you log into lish and use the logview command?

yes I'm logged in to lish now, what should I look for? I have rebooted a few times now to no avail. Should I shutdown then wait then start it up again??

press ctrl-a then d, that will detach your screen, then type logview and press enter it'll give you log of what's been sent to the console and should say what's wrong.

Hi obs, this morning I sent Linode a support ticket and within minutes, my server was back online. Somewhere along the way I managed to change the gateway IP address - idiot!

I'm still having a really annoying problem with, I think, mod_rewrite which I''m pretty sure ispconfig has something to do with. My sites with 'clean' urls no longer work, except for their homepage…

Any ideas?

BTW, thanks for all the help so far!

make sure you have .htaccess access enabled, you'll need AllowOverride All or AllowOverride Options in your VirtualHost.

Adding AllowOverride All to the vhosts worked a treat, so thank you very much. Does this mean that there's a settings further up the ladder that is saying the opposite?

Yes there will be somewhere probably in your httpd.conf

You can read more on AllowOverride here … owoverride">


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