Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) ?
apache2: aprsockaddrinfo_get() failed for snake
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
Second, how do I create a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)? The examples I've looked at seem to have many different formats such as
Third, does the name of my linode under Linode Manager make any difference?
My /etc/hostname file
My /etc/hosts file localhost
74.XXX.XXX.XX snake.myDomain1.com myDomain1
74.XXX.XXX.XX snake.myDomain2.com myDomain2
3 Replies
If you like snake then yours would be snake.domain.com
To set it, ssh to your server as root and type
hostname snake.domain.com
Also you can edit your apache httpd.conf and add the line
ServerName snake.domain.com
near the top.
You should then go to the linode manager, network tab, and set your reverse dns to snake.domain.com
How do you know what to put in for the first part (????.domain.com)?
It's up to you what you name your computer. Think of something. Or name it "linoderocks".:D
[Edit: In other words, use the name of the computer. You seem to have picked "snake", so, yeah.]
Third, does the name of my linode under Linode Manager make any difference?