Help - PHP stopped running after a reboot

I just rebooted my Debian Lenny 360 running Cherokee webserver and all my sites are down. Looking at top, it seems php is not running.

I can't get into Cherokee admin because it keeps refusing the connection.

Further reboots have no effect.

Is there a way to kick start php?

3 Replies

Sounds like cherokee admin isn't running.

What version of cherokee are you running?

SSH to your box, run cherokee-admin -b &

that will open cherokee admin to all interfaces and you should be able to access it across the web. If you use a socks proxy then you can safely use cherokee-admin & and it'll only bind to the local port.

I'm running 99.44.

I tried that. I can start cherokee-admin via ssh but the trouble is, I keep getting "connection refused" when I try to login to the web interface.

According to top, cherokee-worker is active.

Well that about sums up my cherokee knowledge since I've never actually used it.

Have you checked the error logs?


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