looking for a mailserver recommendation:


I'm not exactly a linux guru but I managed to install ispconfig and webmin on my brand new linode.

I'n now looking for recommendations on which mailserver would best suit my needs (basic) and level of linux expertise.

Citadel looks nice but I'm open to suggestions.

5 Replies

If you're going to use ispconfig as a hosting panel then you'll have to use one of the mail servers which it supports: Sendmail or Postfix. Of the two, my preference is for Postfix.

I started out running my own ingoing and outgoing postfix server. I switched to postfix for outgoing and Google Apps for incoming. I will not be going back.

And actually, I could never get yahoo to respect my email, even after installing spfs, domainkeys AND dkim, rdns etc etc. So for really important emails (invites etc), I SMTP to gmail and send using their servers.

Anyway, running an ingoing mailserver is a time-consuming and thankless job.

I do the same as deadwalrus, I use postfix for system notifications and google apps for everything else.

Google Apps is a good solution; I use it for some domains. But I also have clients who simply do not want their mail there. So I provide in-house mail with Postfix and Dovecot. And yes, they thank me, so I disagree about it being a thankless task :)

Try Citadel. On Ubuntu sudo apt-get install citadel.



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