
How does the restore work with the size. When I set up my Linode I made a 256MB Swap and the rest Ubuntu. Now that I have done a restore it is showing my Ubuntu Image only 1522MB and it's saying I have 14606MB free. Shouldn't the restored image be the same size as before?

5 Replies


Shouldn't the restored image be the same size as before?
No? It restores the image as small as the data within the filesystem. You can resize your disk image after you restore to whatever size you wish.

Doing it this way allows one to restore a backup from a much larger Linode to a smaller Linode.


In my opinion it should say that somewhere. That way people know what it's doing.


In my opinion it should say that somewhere. That way people know what it's doing.
What other way is there to interpret it? It tells you the total size required on the restore page…


I think you should add a little bit of safe margin by default. An unsuspecting user could boot up the restored image and run out of disk space as soon as a log file is written to.


I think you should add a little bit of safe margin by default. An unsuspecting user could boot up the restored image and run out of disk space as soon as a log file is written to.
We do already. :)



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