How to disable "300 Multiple Choices" ?

I have a problem - I guess someone linked to one of our pages incorrectly, with a "````
Multiple Choices
The document name you requested (/xxxcom/images/images-.jpg) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:


I have alter the httpd.conf :

LoadModule negotiationmodule modules/


LoadModule negotiationmodule modules/

But it's still have 300 back. :!:

and I also try add "Options -MultiViews " to .htaccess file.

this didn't work.

Anyone knows of a way to disable "300 Multiple Choices" ?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

A quick Google search revealed that the error page is being generated by mod_speling. Search your apache config for that module and comment it out.


A quick Google search revealed that the error page is being generated by mod_speling. Search your apache config for that module and comment it out.

Very appreciate your kind suggestions. I have solved the problem successfully.

I made it by changing the "CheckSpelling On" to "CheckSpelling off "


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