Slow SSH tunnel - Fast SFTP ?
I use a Putty-tunnel to forward my browser´s traffic to squid ( 3128 to squid on linode 3128). It works fine, but max. speed I can get is 100 KB/sec. I tested all the options in putty i could find, but it doesnt get faster. Already tried kitty, but speed is the same. Setting Firefox Proxy setting to socks4 or 5 doesnt change a thing.
All other servers on my linode provide a much higher speed:
dovecot: ~420KB/sec
linode speedtest atlanta direct ~450KB/sec
filde download from apache - ~600KB/sec
scp sftp file download - ~500KB/sec
Squid seems to be innocent, as i also tunnel port 10000 to webmin over ssh and downloads from the webmin-http-server are at 100KB/sec too.
as winscp file transfers are 5 times faster than the putty-tunnel i assume there is something wrong with my putty-config (both set to use 3des)? does anyone have an idea whats misconfigured?
4 Replies
350-400KB to the Atlanta Server.
All I found on the internet is that putty/ssl might have trouble with high-latency connections, that seem to kill speed - my connection to atlanta is at about 250-300ms away..
Downside? The free license only allows two simultaneous connections max.