chat server recommendations ?

I'm looking for a good multi-operator chat server software and wonder if anyone has a suggestion. Like support-desk stuff.


6 Replies

What kind of client access are you thinking? Web? Google talk? IRC?

Web = tons of solutions quite a few java and php based.

Google talk = jabber

IRC = well IRC

Of course you can access jabber and irc servers from the web as well.

If you want to be able to use a client on your end and a web page on your customer's end then jabber is probably the best way to go especially since you can use TLS connections.

yeah - jabber, that's the word i forgot. thanks

A customer wants to have multiple operators assisting his users - so it needs to be robust and simple for all. was considering Ace Operator by Quik but i dunno,…

So, does he want individual operators to talk to individual users, and user/operator pairs can't see other user/operator pairs?

Or does he want multiple operators interacting with multiple customers, like in the Linode IRC channel?

If it's the latter, you can look into Mibbit (hosted at Linode), a web-based IRC client (

I have used Crafty Syntax Live Help before.

sounds like it might be close to what you want. might be worth looking into

Thanks for all the suggestions.. will be trying Ace Operator first

and will check into crafty syntax and mibbit too.

The customer wants all that Guspaz listed. The Ace manuals say do all it can do all, and a lot more – much more.

We'll see,…

The customer ended up going with Crafty Chat - and they do seem to be satisfied after using this for a few months.


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