Patching the Kernel

I need to patch the kernel in order to install ipset.

ipset instructions ask that I have the kernel source tree, configured and at least the modules compiled.

Would this mean I need to switch my Linode to use a pv-grub kernel?

If that's incorrect – what is the correct set of actions?

Should I download the newest kernel source and compile it?

I'm fairly comfortable with running a basic webserver, but this would be my first foray into modifying the kernel. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the process (no pun intended).

2 Replies


Would this mean I need to switch my Linode to use a pv-grub kernel?


Should I download the newest kernel source and compile it?
It needs to be configured to support pv_ops.

From the xensource wiki:

Using Xen/paravirt_ops

Building with domU support 4. Get a current kernel. The latest kernel is generally a good choice.

  1. Configure as normal; you can start with your current .config file

  2. If building 32 bit kernel make sure you have CONFIGX86PAE enabled (which is set by selecting CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G)

    • non-PAE mode doesn't work in 2.6.25, and has been dropped altogether from 2.6.26 and newer kernel versions.
  3. Enable these core options: 4. CONFIGPARAVIRTGUEST

  4. And Xen pv device support 4. CONFIGHVCDRIVER and CONFIGHVCXEN



  5. And build as usual


I need to patch the kernel in order to install ipset.

ipset instructions ask that I have the kernel source tree, configured and at least the modules compiled.

Would this mean I need to switch my Linode to use a pv-grub kernel?

If that's incorrect – what is the correct set of actions?
Actually all those instructions are asking you to do is to compile some modules for the existing kernel, which I believe you can do without switching to pv_grub.

Download the kernel source for whichever linode kernel you are running from and I think you can follow the instructions from there.


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