i need help setting up my linode - will pay

i need someone to help me out.

i need to get nginx, mysql, php w/ php-fpm, phpmyadmin, proftpd(or something else) and iptables on Debian or Ubuntu

i can give you more details later.

3 Replies

I'm always curious about the logic behind posts like these.

It's like hiring a driver to get you someplace. After you're there, you still don't know how to drive a car.

If you need someone to setup your VPS host - you're probably not going to be able to manage it AFTER the basic install - so why do want a UNmanaged VPS host to begin with?

the reason im looking to setup my linode is: I dont have time to do it right now. I need to take care of different things, and i dont want setting up the server to be one of them.

i already found someone.

if you are interested in helping w/ server setup (free or paid), you can post your info here, so in the future who ever needs help can find you here.



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