How to send email from live website?

Hi all, I know this is a simple (stupid) question, but it's all new to me.

I have everything up and runing, my sites are fine, but after a month now I finaly started to wonder why I do not receive any emails from my sites :)

I am using google appse for outside email, that is all working fine also, but what I have to do to be able to send email from a contact form on my site?

3 Replies

Anybody, please, I have a contact form on my sites and just need to be able to send data from these forms to my gmail. How do I do that?

Exim does the job :) … .10-karmic">

I have done it two ways:

(1) Postfix. Pretty simply to configure, make sure your SPF records allow sending from both gmail and your IP or your emails will go straight to the spam folders;

(2) SMTP to gmail. More likely to make it through spam filters – particularly yahoo! etc, but slow and a 500 per day limit on outgoing email.


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