Can't connect with mail client POSTFIX/DOVECOT

Hi guys, I followed this tutorial … .10-karmic"> and everything works, the only thing that i have changed was the follow line:

postconf -e 'mydestination =, localhost, localhost.localdomain'


postconf -e 'mydestination = localhost, localhost.localdomain'

I can send email locally:


And I can read locally:

mutt -f .

But I can't connect from a email client. I tryed with ssl, tls and plain (POP and IMAP) but nothing.

Here is my log :

Apr 7 11:37:11 localhost dovecot: auth(default): new auth connection: pid=9431

Apr 7 11:37:25 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (no auth attempts): rip=, lip=, TLS

Apr 7 11:37:43 localhost dovecot: auth(default): new auth connection: pid=9432

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client in: AUTH#0111#011PLAIN#011service=imap#011secured#011lip=

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client out: CONT#0111#011

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client in: CONT Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, query: SELECT email as user, password FROM users WHERE email='cunha';

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, unknown user

Apr 7 11:37:48 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client out: FAIL#0111#011user=cunha

Apr 7 11:37:48 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client in: AUTH#0112#011PLAIN#011service=imap#011secured#011lip= Apr 7 11:37:48 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, query: SELECT email as user, password FROM users WHERE email='cunha';

Apr 7 11:37:48 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, unknown user

Apr 7 11:37:50 localhost dovecot: auth(default): client out: FAIL#0112#011user=cunha

Apr 7 11:38:10 localhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (auth failed, 2 attempts): user=, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS

My netstat:

root@localhost:/var/log# netstat -tan

Active Internet connections (servers and established)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

tcp 0 0* LISTEN

Any help ?

2 Replies


Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, query: SELECT email as user, password FROM users WHERE email='cunha';

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, unknown user
From the guide referenced in your post, it seems more likely that you should log into dovecot using an email address rather than a standard username.



Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, query: SELECT email as user, password FROM users WHERE email='cunha';

Apr 7 11:37:46 localhost dovecot: auth-worker(default): sql(cunha, unknown user
From the guide referenced in your post, it seems more likely that you should log into dovecot using an email address rather than a standard username.

You're right !… SOLVED : ] Thanks !


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