Understanding DNS

Hi all there:

I have a linode and some pages hosted on it. My linode is a web server and a mail server.

All works fine but I have a domain registered in an external isp that needs a mx record to send and receive mail. I.e., the dns of this domain points to my linode ip but it hasn't a mx record.

How can I create a dns record on my linode server so this domain has a mx record?

I tried several tests and have not been successful.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot!

1 Reply


How can I create a dns record on my linode server so this domain has a mx record?
Unless the external ISP's DNS hosts are slaved off a DNS server running on your Linode (unlikely, since you're asking about where to put the MX record), you have to create the MX record wherever the rest of the DNS records are (i.e. in the ISP's DNS servers).


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