Why won't my website load?

Linode Staff

My website is currently down and displaying ERRCONNECTIONREFUSED. How can I bring this back up?

1 Reply

There could be a few reasons for this, but the first thing you will want to do is take a look and see if your Linode has a connection. If the Linode does not respond to pings and cannot be reached on any of its ports, I would recommend taking a look at this question to help bring your networking back up.

If your Linode can respond to pings, try seeing what ports are responding to connection on the Linode using nmap. The easiest way to do this is `nmap <ip address="">'. You may get a response as follows:</ip>

Host is up (0.047s latency).
Not shown: 999 closed ports
22/tcp open  ssh

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.91 seconds

This would show the Linode is up and listening on the standard SSH port, but it is not listening on the standard webservice ports. This could be due to a firewall issue, but before digging through that I recommend first logging into the Linode and checking to see if the webservice is active and listening using netstat -plunt. You will want to make sure there are services listening on port 80 and/or 443. If not, It could be possible Apache or Nginx are not up and running. You will want to turn those on. If they aren't starting back up, you will want to check their error logs and investigate further.

Another possibility for ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED could be a firewall issue. To investigate that, you can run iptables-save to analyze the firewall and make sure ports 80 and 443 are open. Depending on what you use, I would recommend checking out our firewall guides for iptables or UFW.

I hope this helps! If you encounter any further issues or have anything to add please feel free to respond to this question and provide more information.


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