Backup failure


Just wanted to feed back a backup failure for my linode.

Type    Started Finished    Duration    Status
auto     2010-04-05 05:02:15     2010-04-05 05:04:46     2 minutes, 31 seconds      successful
auto     2010-04-04 05:01:13     2010-04-04 05:04:09     2 minutes, 56 seconds      successful
auto     2010-04-03 05:00:29     2010-04-03 05:02:31     2 minutes, 2 seconds   successful
auto     2010-04-02 05:14:21     2010-04-02 05:15:43     1 minute, 22 seconds   failed
snapshot     2010-04-01 20:21:14     2010-04-01 20:28:29     7 minutes, 15 seconds      successful

As you can see the fourth one failed. In case it is helpful to you. I would also be curious as to reason for the failure.


2 Replies

Hello - thanks. It was a bug, which we fixed a few days ago. Others may have seen it, too.


One of my backup logs looks like the one above–just one failure on 4/2.

On the other (larger) linode where backups are enabled, there are additional failures:

auto       2010-04-05 14:00:53         2010-04-05 14:05:41         4 minutes, 48 seconds      successful
auto     2010-04-04 14:00:16     2010-04-04 14:05:12     4 minutes, 56 seconds       failed
auto     2010-04-03 14:14:34     2010-04-03 14:19:21     4 minutes, 47 seconds       failed
auto     2010-04-02 14:13:57     2010-04-02 14:19:17     5 minutes, 20 seconds       failed
auto     2010-04-01 14:13:15     2010-04-01 14:33:56     20 minutes, 41 seconds      successful

Hope that helps. Thanks for pushing this project through to completion!


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