Speed issues to Newark from T-Home, Germany

Hi everyone!

Ever since I got my server over here @ linode, I got speeds up to 2-2,5MB/s which is really great considering the latency. Today though the speed broke down to a staggering low of consistently 50kb/s. I have been testing w/ newark1.linode.com/100MB-newark.bin.

Since I administrate other servers for a company which are all hosted in different data centers here in Germany, I tested the connectivity from each one to my server and I got full speed.

So I wanted to ask everyone who lives in Germany and is surfing via Deutsche Telekom AG, if he/she could reproduce the problem.

Here a mtr -r I did tonight:

HOST: dreamgate                   Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1\. Stargate                      0.0%    10    0.5   0.5   0.4   0.9   0.2
  2\.                   0.0%    10    0.8   0.8   0.8   1.2   0.1
  3\.                 0.0%    10   20.2  21.6  20.1  27.6   2.7
  4\.                  0.0%    10   22.5  22.9  20.9  24.2   0.9
  5\. f-ea5-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE      0.0%    10   22.8  23.0  22.7  23.5   0.2
  6\.                 0.0%    10   22.9  29.8  22.8  88.9  20.8
  7\. ffm-bb2-link.telia.net        0.0%    10   24.3  34.4  24.0 116.3  28.9
  8\. prs-bb2-link.telia.net        0.0%    10   32.9  50.5  32.8 194.9  50.7
  9\. nyk-bb2-link.telia.net        0.0%    10  109.2 119.0 108.4 166.4  21.5
 10\. nyk-b3-link.telia.net         0.0%    10  109.3 110.0 109.1 111.2   0.7
 11\. netaccess-tic-133837-nyk-b3\.  0.0%    10  108.2 108.7 108.2 109.6   0.5
 12\. 0.e1-4.tbr1.mmu.nac.net       0.0%    10  110.9 111.2 110.5 112.2   0.6
 13\. vlan801.esd1.mmu.nac.net      0.0%    10  128.5 128.5 126.8 133.3   2.0
 14\. newark1.linode.com           10.0%    10  124.4 125.7 123.8 129.0   1.5

What's really interesting, one of the servers I tested from also routes via telia and gets full speed. :-( And the reported avg latency from my mtr report has increased by 10-12ms even though the route is the same.

I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.

HaPPy EAStER EgG hunting everyone.

So long,


5 Replies

Hi again.

I tested this morning and I was almost up to full speed again. Since this afternoon though, I am back down @ 30-50kb/s. Again, it works when I test it from other servers. And like I know the german DTAG (aka T-Home, aka T-Com, aka…), this is something that I won't get them to fix easily… if at all. Anyone else having the same issues or can test from his connection, please?

Oh well. :-(

So long,


Ok, I just opened a ticket about this w/ linode. Something very strange is going on here. Suddenly I am back to full speed to my own server but down to 30-50kb/s to newark1 w/ the speed test. If this really is a problem w/ Deutsche Telekom or peering then it's strange that I get different speeds to newark1 and my own server which are both in Newark, NY.

I tested again from a different server and whoops, full speed to both sites. I really cannot make heads or tails of this.

And I fear the full speed to my own server is just temporary and will go down again eventually. :-(

So long


Hi everybody.

For those who are following this: The problem is persistent and hasn't been solved yet. I filed a ticket with DTAG but so far there is nothing positive to report- except that I was told not to expect anything.

I keep things updated until either there are more news or when I have finally moved away from Linode because of this. What's really annoying though is that I was totally satisfied with Linode so far and would never have thought about moving away. :-(

So long,


Matthias, have you tried other linode datacenters? I dont know a thing about this, but I am currently in Italy, and pinging newark1 is faster than the other centers (I wont give you the numbers since I am on a dismal connection). You could theoretically move your node to london. I find fremont and newark are the fastest for me here.

I'm at T-Home too and experienced really bad response times or speed problems at saturdays.

I switched from Newark to Fremont and now everything is working as it is supposed to. :?



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