nginx + php with php.ini?

I installed nginx and php and it works, but when I see the php info It says Loaded Configuration File: (none). I'm trying to get memcache to work and it needs to load the correct configuration file. How can I do this?

8 Replies

How are you running php? apache/php-fpm/something else. What is your OS?

Is there a php.ini file in either /etc /usr/local/lib /usr/lib or /lib

I'm running this under Mac OS X Snow Leopard, using nginx with fastcgi and PHP. There's a php.ini in the correct directory (at least it says the php.ini is located in that directory) but for some reason it's not loading.

Ah..local install, well this is a linux server forum so help might be sparse, make sure the php.ini file is readable (if in doubt chmod it 0644). If you still have problems try a mac forum.

Yeah that didn't work….I did post on a mac forum and I'm waiting for replies there. I thought since Mac OS is Unix based that some possible solutions for Linux may work for Mac.

Did you install PHP or are you using the Apache and PHP that came with OS X?

If you did the former, you should do the latter. Saves you a lot of time, and it's probably somewhat trivial to get memcached going in that environment. If you're stuck with the former, make sure that the built-in PHP isn't being used instead of the one you want.

I'm trying to emulate my production stack so I won't have as many problems when it comes to deployment time. I installed both nginx and PHP + fcgi via macports (mac package manager).

sneaks, try using virtual machine if you really want to emulate your production stack.

You can compile apache/nginx/php on osx but it tends to be a bit of a pain (I've done it since 10.6 comes with 5.3 and I wan't 5.2)

I suggest for a virtual machine.


sneaks, try using virtual machine if you really want to emulate your production stack.

You can compile apache/nginx/php on osx but it tends to be a bit of a pain (I've done it since 10.6 comes with 5.3 and I wan't 5.2)

I suggest for a virtual machine.

(Or another Linode!)


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