Need help installing SphinxSE into mysql

I wanted to try installing Sphinx as a plugin to mysql, per the instructions on this page:

The page has you rebuilding mysql, so I'm trying to figure out how this will affect the current mysql installation. Will building mysql with those instructions replace the current installation (along with conf files and db files), or are the instructions just having me build it for the purpose of getting the compiled plugin file?

I'm just worried about trying this then having my mysql server get reset in the process.

6 Replies

It shouldn't do any harm, as long as you don't type

make install

Which that page doesn't tell you to do.

You will have to restart your mysql server, you should also ensure you get the correct source code version for whatever version of mysql you're using.

If in doubt create a new linode to test it on, it won't cost you much since you'll only have it for a day or so.

Thanks so much for the response, that's exactly what I wanted to hear :). I've got a scheduled downtime coming up, so I can do it then.

Again, thanks!

Alternatively, just use OurDelta MySQL builds. They ahve teh SphinxSE storage engine built in. Besides that, they offer many important improvements that either improve performance or performance monitoring of MySQL. Check out

Walter -

Thanks for that tip! The OurDelta builds look like they'd be a lot less of a hassle.

Is there a way to install the OurDelta mysql side-by-side with a pre-existing mysql install so as to do testing before a potential switchover?

Theoretically: yes.

Practically: use the power of linode for this. Create a new linode, clone your old one onto it, do the upgrade and test it. If all is okay, discard the linode and upgrade your live server.

Alternatively: I have performed many many upgrades from stock mysql to OurDelta. Depending on the version number, it is almost 100% guaranteed to work. That is, if you go from 5.0.X stock to 5.0.X OurDelta, or 5.1 -> 5.1. I wouldn't necessarily do a blind 5.0 -> 5.1 upgrade.

good luck.

Thanks so much for the help! I'll definitely be giving this a try in the future when I get some time.


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