visudo... where?

I'm trying to get 'sudo su' to work for two users (one of whom is me) so I can disable logins from the root acount itself. However, I can't find visudo anywhere on our vm. I logged in, su'ed, and tried to launch it directly (file not found). I then tried to do 'whereis visudo', with equally unsuccessful results. Am I doing something wrong (is visudo only for Debian/Ubuntu-derivatives?), do I need to grab & install something with YUM, or am I just doing something wrong here?

4 Replies

Typically /usr/sbin/sudo

If you su to root then do "su -" to ensure your path is set to the normal root path (which should include /usr/sbin) and not a normal users path (which does not).

Hmm. I don't have /usr/sbin/sudo, either. I'm starting to wonder whether the guys who helped set it up this afternoon deleted those files at the same time they disabled root logins. If they did, is there any easy way to get them back?

Hmm… have you tried yum install sudo


Hmm. I don't have /usr/sbin/sudo, either. I'm starting to wonder whether the guys who helped set it up this afternoon deleted those files at the same time they disabled root logins. If they did, is there any easy way to get them back?
My mistake; /usr/sbin/visudo



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