Elemental clinic install


Apologies if this topic has been discussed previously. Just wondering if any one has installed Elemental Clinic on an Linode previoulsly and would care to share their experiences. We tried installing it at a rival hosting company under a shared plan and did not succeed. Any gems of advice will be greatly appreciated.


5 Replies

From the Elemental Clinic web site, you can easily install their Ubuntu version (for Hardy Heron) and then upgrade:

http://www.elementalclinic.com/blog/ins … -5-minutes">http://www.elementalclinic.com/blog/installing-elementalclinic-5-minutes

James, hooray for Google!

Thaks for that.

We did get hold of the right build from http://github.com/opensourcery/elementalClinic but the problem we faced was to do with missing perl libraries when we tried to install it on a shared hosting platform.

Can anyone suggest a way to do a complete install of Perl along with all its submodules. We continue to have problems installing Elemental Clinic on Linode due to a number of missing perl modules.


What distro are you using? The answer is dependent on that.


We are using ubuntu 9.10.



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